Marielle Verkade – Van Hoek LL.M.

Marielle Verkade – Van Hoek LL.M.
Marielle Verkade – Van Hoek a studia Derecho Hulandes na Universidat di Leiden i na aἥa 1995 ela terminá su estudio den Derecho Internashonal. Despues di su estudio ela traha 1 aἥa na Honduras na un banko di desaroyo kaminda ela siἥa papia Spaἥo. For di aἥa 1998 te ku aἥa 2013 ela traha komo (senior) hurista representando e proceso di Inmigrashon i Naturalisashon, último komo gerente.
Na aἥa 2013 ela disidi di muda ku su famia pa Korsou kaminda ela kambia su trajektorio huridiko pa sector komersial i a traha 2 aἥa dunando servisio na Inmigrashon. Despues ela traha un tempu den e sektor di Trust na Korsou te ora ela disidi pa drenta den abogacia na aἥa 2017.
Marielle ta un mediadó diplomá. E ta papia Hulandes, Ingles i Spaἥo.

Triple A Attorneys
Know-how, experience, dedication and integrity are the four cornerstones which Triple A Attorneys is founded upon. This obviously is applicable within the realm of legal issues, but certainly also relates to just practical and tactical dealings in achieving the best ultimate outcome for our clients.
All our lawyers at Triple A Attorneys are member of the Curaçao Bar Association as well as of the Order of Attorneys and are therefore entitled to practice law within the Dutch Caribbean territory, which in alphabetical order, consist of the islands Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten (all formerly known as the Netherlands Antilles).
Triple A Attorneys offers its services to companies, government entities as well as to individuals in the local and international arenas. Although Triple A Attorneys covers a broad legal base, it is specifically active in the fields of conciliation, corporate-, financial- and fiscal law.